Welcome to my homepage! I am a researcher in theoretical computer science at École normale supérieure de Lyon, Plume team, on an individual postdoctoral fellowship from LabEx MILyon (supervised by Denis Kuperberg).

New: My applications to permanent academic positions are over for this year, see below for my materials. Also, some events I recently attended:

My coauthors: mainly Cécilia Pradic, as well as Mikołaj Bojańczyk, Anupam Das, Paul Gallot, Sandra Kiefer, Nathan Lhote, Damiano Mazza, Vincent Moreau, Thomas Seiller, Rafał Stefański, Lutz Straßburger, Gabriele Vanoni & Noam Zeilberger.

Previous positions and job applications (click-to-expand using <details>)

Contact / personal information

E-mail address: nltd at nguyentito dot eu
Social media: Mastodon | CS Theory StackExchange | ORCID
Visual identification: photo (86KB) taken at ÉNS Lyon
(+ higher-res photo (3.7MB) by Lwenn Bussière-Caraes)

Updated on: 20 April 2024. webring du brocoli